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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Haya Griva is the god of Tikbalangs, one of Kabunian's rivals, who desires the throne of Sinilangan.  The golden-skinned, horse-headed deity believes the position to be vacant and does not consider Gal Ang (aka Servant) as a worthy heir.  While not inherently evil, Haya Griva despises mankind for its wanton abuse of Kalikasan (i.e. Mother Nature) and their belief that only they have the rights to it, disregarding the other creatures who call it home.

Servant and all related characters and indicia are © Geoffrey Borgonia.  All rights reserved.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Katsuko Del Maestro, elder of the two Del Maestro children, is Victor's trusted right hand, handling many of his legitimate businesses while also pursuing her college degree. A fierce competitor, Katsuko refuses to acknowledge anyone else's superiority, especially a poor call center agent from the province who just might be smarter than her.

Servant and all related characters and indicia are © and ™ Geoffrey Borgonia.  All rights Reserved.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gabriel's benefactor but secretly Servant's arch-nemesis, Victor Del Maestro is one of the most powerful men in the world.  But is he really just the owner of a global conglomerate... or is he something more? 

Servant and all related characters and indicia ©™ Geoffrey Borgonia.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Servant's father, Kabunian

Kabunian's father, Kabunian, the Skyfather and King of Bathalas.  His power was second to none save for the other Skyfathers from other pantheons.  He sacrificed everything to ensure the survival of his heir, Gal Ang.  While it seemed he destroyed his own kingdom to do so, the truth would be revealed once Gal Ang came of age.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The brand-spanking new Servant title!  Issue #2 will sport this image for the first time, but it debuts on this blog officially!

Servant and all related characters and indicia are © and ™ Geoffrey Borgonia.  All rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

One of Servant's greatest nemeses, Sire is a simulacrum created by Guro as a decoy (one of many) to evade god-hunters and spread across the multiverse.  Sire is the only known survivor who ruled over his own version of earth.  It wasn't until Servant accidentally traveled to his dimension that he learned the truth.  In an epic battle, Servant deposed him and took the fight into "Kawalan", a universe between the universes where Sire is trapped (lacking the training or will to use his powers to break out) as he learns he is not immortal, unlike Servant.  But in Bayan Knights, Sire is released.  What role will he play in the final chapter of Bayan Knights' first storyarc?  And what does it mean for his heroic counterpart?  

Check out the latest news of the upcoming Bayan Knights # 6 here in Bayan Knights' FB group:

The Servant Komikero Anthology pages can be found here:

And Servant's page here: